Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I Hate Rap Music

This summer has really taught me to absolutely positively hate rap music. I never liked it before but I hate it more than ever now.

I am the lighting director for the Play Murder What's next that has run for two separate months this year in New Castle DE. It played the entire month of March and more recently every weekend in July. Here's the thing. I live in Darby PA and the plays ran in DE 35 miles away. Performances were on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Now for my wife and I to drive the 35 miles to New Castle 3 times on the weekend would have been very tough on us. And with the cost of gas these days it was a bit pricey as well. So a friend of my wife invited us to stay weekends at her home a block from the church where the performances were held. This was ideal or so we thought.

I am so thankful for the friend letting us room at her place. However, the room in the friend’s house where my wife and I slept faced the street in an apartment complex formerly called Hampton Green II. I don't recall the name it was recently changed to. Anyway there is a constant flow of traffic on the main street in this apartment complex. The traffic is caused because of the amount of drugs that are sold on this street. All night long and into the wee hours of the morning the traffic does not stop. So we have cars riding up and down the street with rap music blaring. To add to that there are neighbors (if you can really call them that) who feel it is their appointed duty to keep everyone abreast of the latest rap trash on CD. And they play this trash very loudly. On several occasions my wife and I have called the New Castle County Police complaining of the loud music that sometimes plays until 2 or 3 in the morning. Sometime the police come and tell them to shut it off and sometimes they don’t.

I have to be at the church on Saturday mornings for prayer at 5:30 AM as part of a Servant Leadership Training Program. Imagine being kept awake until 2 or 3 AM when you have to be at church at 5.

To take this even further, the lyrics of this music are so foul and disgusting that it rocks my senses. I hate it. I have a theory that this music will do one of two things to the people who listen to it. It will make you dumb and stupid or keep you dumb and stupid. I find no redeeming qualities in this music at all except that it lines the pockets of music companies and producers with millions of dollars from poor dumb ghetto kids who should be somewhere reading a book. Anyone who listens to the stuff I hear playing can't possibly subject themselves to months and years of exposure without becoming morally inept. Bill Cosby was right. This music is one of the reasons for the dumbing down of American youth. I hate rap music. Not just because it keeps me awake at night and wakes me up with a headache. I hate it also because of what it is doing to our already decaying society and our over indulgent youth.

And finally, here is a tip for those of you who are looking for a great product to invest in over the next 25 to 30 years. Hearing aids. The decibels pumped out by some of the audio systems in the cars that ride up next to you at red lights and stops signs are deafening. You know the ones that make you feel like you have experienced an earthquake. The kids that ride in these cars will lose their ability to hear over the next 25 to 30 years. Hearing aid companies are it friends. Invest heavily.

1 comment:

harm reduction said...

I couldn't agree more. Rap music is the most vulgar disgusting noise to ever exist. There is no evolution in this noise and it sure has nothing to do with music. The brainless babble that relies on annoying base to defile every ear within its reach is a disgrace to humanity. I will be so relieved when the morons under the spell of rap realize that this noise is a symbol of decaying society. Black people used to be some of the greatest innovators of music. What the fuck happened?????????